Happy Birth Day for Me

Days ago, I should, according to many people, celebrate my birth day. 12 January is the date of my birth. For those who want commemorate this special moment consider that the day is great moment to thanks to the God over his blessing for them opportunity to born in the world.

Ways to conduct it are various and depended on how people put meaning on it. For instance, they try to celebrate by holding party by inviting their lovely family and friends for joint celebration. Yet, for me, I consider that day is not necessary to make it with a party. I just see it as the special day moment to evaluate all my roles in all my life.

When my friends knowing my birth day encounter with me, they tend to force me to make something special in implementing my gratitude to the God as until now, Allah is not bored to bless me with many his mercies. Yet, I ignore their suggestion. 

The important thing to do in this moment is how to arrange my life plan and finally how to gain my goal, at least to reach my resolution in 2019. All human being in the world have purpose to be fought in battle of life with its many challenges. The obstacles sometimes make people discouraged for getting what they want. Yet, this moment is reflection of what all experiences I got. 

People perhaps have hopes which are made at such the beautiful moment. But for me, “the most important hope is change of my life being better than before”. I want to underline the previous statement as principle of my resolutions I should pursue. In short, Rasulullah Muhammad SAW said to human that what human does must be better than what they did in previous time. 

I hope that this moment is very valuable time to evaluate myself. Without correcting and looking into myself, life will lead to problem because we are human being who exactly ever did the wrongdoings.

~Makassar, 15 January 2019  


  1. numpang share ya min ^^
    bosan tidak tahu harus mengerjakan apa ^^
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    ayo tunggu apa lagi buruan daftar di agen kami ^^
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