Pro and con come to the Indonesian public after the government, President Jokowi, issued a decision to legalize the investment of alcohol. Indeed, the government aims to help the economy amid pandemic covid 19 which has been slowing down economic growth even destroy the economy.
Every single country including Indonesia faces economic problems and struggles for recovering its economy. Those especially Islamic adherents who disagree with the government policy commonly see in the Islamic perspective. Islamic teaching says that alcohol and other similar drinks are forbidden to drink.
A new perspective to criticize the government which considers that the investment in alcohol will help increase the economy comes from Drajat wibowo, a researcher in a think tank. Investment in alcohol, according to him cited from a national mass media, can hurt the economy. He bases his statement based on research conducted in some countries like America and the other countries.
The research explains that legalizing alcohol will be much problematic than beneficial. For instance, many alcoholics should waste their money for overcoming their health problems because of consuming much alcohol. Accidents often happen when people are under alcohol influence.
On the other hand, people support the president's policy is because of “local wisdom”. They say that the investment in regions like Papua where alcohol is one of the local wisdoms have to be allowed. Yet, Papuan are mad at those because their hometown is not like that. In the other words, Alcohol is not their local wisdom.
In my perspective, as a Muslim, I disagree with legalization of alcoholic beverages by government which allows investment in this sector. People will get more disadvantages than benefits. Furthermore, the economy reason for legalizing alcohol is baseless because data showed by Drajad Wibowo explains the opposite.
*Maafkan jika 'grammar'nya salah-salah dan penggunaannya kata tidak tepat. lagi belajar soalnya. heuheuheu. Silahkan di kolom komentar jika ingin memperbaiki.
~Bau-bau, 1 Maret 2021
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